Love this great photo & review of The Last Watch! Thank you @bookie.jess! 😍😊
#Repost from @bookie.jess
Most recent 5 star?
I read Last Watch by @jsdewes in April and I fell in love with it. It’s one of my favorites of all time, I’m already itching for a reread! It’s the kind of book where 10 pages in, you just get the feeling that it will be incredible. It smashed every expectation I had. I’m never going to stop talking about this book because it was so good. Basically the universe is collapsing and it’s up to the sentinels to save everyone.
My favorite thing was the characters. They felt so damn real, and I felt for each and every one of them. I highly recommend this if you love character driven stories (also quite plot driven too)
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