It’s Concember (Decemcon?) this year apparently!
And though I was very excited about my first WorldCon (DisCon III), it’s just too close to Christmas for comfort in potentially exposing family, so I switched to virtual attendance. But with MRK at the helm, I’m confident it will be a great virtual experience just like the Nebula Conference was! (And next year’s is nearby in Chicago HOORAY!)
I don’t have full details about my schedule yet, but I’ll make another announcement & post on my events page once I know more!
I’m definitely nervous about getting back out in the world, both for health and social reasons, but as my very extroverted BFF said while convincing me to agree to these, “You just gotta start seeing people, Stolte.” 🙃👍 So I plan to take his advice and just throw myself headfirst into the issue. 😆
Bonus: at ECCC I’ll get to meet some of the other amazing 2021 debut authors I’ve been celebrating & commiserating with virtually for 2 years including @gretakkelly @jaye_viner @gengornichec & @angelajsuper! 🎉🙌